sunnuntai 31. lokakuuta 2010


Feelin good! Woke up, ate a soy yougurt (58kcal), updated my video blog and stuff... For some reason I just feel really calm and... neutral. Which is kinda rare for me... I took a double dose of my meds though, so that might be the reason.. :D I'm such a junkie. But I really don't think it's a problem since it's keeping me from doing ever more stupid things like cutting myself.. :) And finally we found pills that actually work! I'm so happy.

I just bought veggies, fruit, soy yougurt and porridge from the store. Walked straight through the candy shelf without even actually noticing it. I think I'm finally getting my self control back! Morning weight was 69,5 though... :( But I quess it's mostly waterweight... Metabolism isn't working properly... For a change. But yeah, it's ok. I can do this! I can become thin and beautiful! <3

I also cut my nails today, and it feels really weird to type with these things. xD I'm so used to having long nails... But they'll grow back pretty fast, and doing stuff is actually easier... I can pick my nose again without getting a nosebleed... xD

Here's a couple of thinspo pics:

(Gosh, I want her legs... <3<3<3)

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